What impact do you have?

A week without a car made us consider how nice it would be not to have to care for one. Amid gifts of a music performance and a bubble on wheels we watched as stress frothed over that left us asking: Is this how you want to be?

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The value of valuing

After doing whatever needed to be done to get people to pay their bills, a weekend of variety and difference brought up thoughts about how we value what we choose to pay money for and what we choose not to.

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Enabling the how

The start of Mental Health Awareness Month in South Africa, a book about the link between stress, trauma and illness and a solution to the problem of mental and emotional health occupies the focus of a week just past and a future beginning every day.

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Move it before you lose it

Sometimes things go wrong and all the little irritations leave you feeling low. Waking up feeling a little fed up Matthew and Chantal went for a walk and it made all the difference to their mood and state of mind.

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What is stage 6?

What is stage 6? Welcome to South Africa’s crazy days, and dark nights, of on again, off again, electrical dance. Not many were having much fun with it, however, but learning to accept and let the rage go is one way of reaching emotional equilibrium.

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The novel and the unusual

A week of wonder and sun, as we engaged in some novel activities. A trip to the beach, some spring cleaning and not only for humans, and a good laugh with three larger than life ladies. A different couple of days made for an interesting and energising time.

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Hope is the thing

This week was all about that little glimmer or spark that can ignite even the darkest of times. Hope. With World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September, this difficult topic is faced with the offer of hope as a means to build resilience and grit. Matthew shares his own personal story.

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Grappling with grit

A week of being out and sharing our work. We find ourselves back walking after more than four weeks off. An exploration of grit and resilience offers us ample opportunities to practise it.

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