Smile, it’s raining!

After weeks of waiting and anticipation the heavens opened and the rain came. With it came some cutting reminders for annual maintenance and also plenty to smile about. Smiling is catching, better than a cold!

The sky drew a grey blanket across its girth as the wind puffed and blusted. Thunder grumbled and cracked and lightning seared across the heavens. We held our collective breath. It had apparently been flooding in the south of the city. Would it? Could it? And it did! At long last the rains came.

Chantal was at the local park on a walk with a friend. It wasn’t so much the wind, which blew bits of sticks and leaf particles into their eyes, that sent them scurrying back to shelter, but rather the lightning which is indiscriminate in its enthusiasm. Just in time as the heavens opened and waterfalled down.


Joy and relief at the first rains! Seeing the tanks fill with water.

Back home Matthew was scrambling around fishing leaves and rubble out of gutters and getting scratched and bashed, and very wet, in the process. The first tank of the rainwater harvesting system was overflowing instead of the water being pumped up to the larger tanks. Clogged downpipes and a spider web congested pump were to blame. Note to self (Matthew in particular): ensure gutters are completely cleared and the pump checked in September before the first rains. (Yes, he has been put in the calendar for next year!)

Plenty to smile about

In spite of the dashes and the bashes we were all smiles about the rain. This week's podcast is all about the benefits of smiling.

In the world of mental and emotional wellbeing the focus is so often on negative and difficult emotional states and how to alleviate them. Stress, anxiety and depression put their hands up like eager classmates each time we venture into this arena so it was time for a change of pace.


Where friends gather… On the 20th of every month a local restaurant has a special. Portuguese custard tarts (pasteis de nata) and a coffee for R20

Earlier this month it was World Smile Day. This inspired us to record a podcast episode about the science of smiling. Smiling makes us feel better and is good for us. Remember when we could not see each other’s smiles? The already tense situation brought about by the crazy restrictions and the fear around the virus was made more uncomfortable by the inability to calm each other down by smiling.

Smiling in infectious

Did you know that children smile on average 400 times a day? Isn’t that amazing? That’s part of the reason it is so satisfying being around them. But this number drops significantly as happy adults smile 40-50 times, and the average adult only 20 times a day. What a sad statistic and a clue to how serious we become as we age. We can change that and we should.


Smile. A poem by Spike Milligan

Smiling is contagious, try not smiling back at someone who smiles at you. It is almost impossible. Now here is the challenge for this week: we dare you to smile more and to see how many people you can get to smile back. We’ve already tried it and it works! Makes for a sunnier experience going out and engaging with others. And it makes us feel better too!

Until next time.

Yours in feeling,
Chantal & Matthew

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About the author

5th Place

5th Place is a dynamic organization that's passionate about emotional fitness. We're the creators of Shape of Emotion, a revolutionary tool that's changing the way we understand and manage our emotions. But we're not just about theory - we're about practical, tangible change.

We offer Emotional Fitness Classes and courses that help individuals, from children to adults, build emotional resilience and well-being. For our younger audience, we've created the Vibarealm, a vibrant universe that encourages a healthier interaction with emotions.

Join us on this journey to emotional fitness and let's make the world a better place together.

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