Children, teens & youth
Positively impacting the mental and emotional wellbeing of our children & youth enabling them to meet life's challenges.
Providing emotional fitness tools and skills for ECD, foundation and intermediate phase by making the emotional component of child development a priority.
Teens & youth
Education, strategies and tools to strengthen the ability to understand and manage emotions in the teenage years and beyond.
Support team
Empowering educators, support staff and parents to better manage their emotions, positively impacting the lives of the young people they care for and support.
Building emotional fitness and fostering the mental and emotional wellbeing of children and youth
In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, building emotional fitness and fostering the mental and emotional wellbeing of children and youth is essential to ensure their ability to meet life's challenges head-on.
A holistic approach to mental health that lays a strong foundation
By focusing on three key groups - children, teens & youth and their support teams of educators, support staff, and parents - we can create a holistic approach to mental health that lays a strong foundation for future success and happiness.
A healthy mental and emotional state is critical for children and teens to develop resilience, navigate complex emotions, and cultivate positive relationships with themselves and others.
By addressing these aspects of wellbeing early on and supporting them to build emotional fitness, we can help them build essential life skills, prevent the onset of mental health issues, and promote their ability to thrive in adulthood.
Building healthier, more resilient and happier individuals
Investing in the mental and emotional wellbeing of children, teens, and their support teams is a necessary step towards ensuring a healthier, more resilient, and happier adult population. By prioritising mental health from an early age, we can create a brighter future for both individuals and society as a whole.
The support teams, comprising educators, support staff, and parents, play a crucial role in shaping the mental and emotional wellbeing of children and teens. Their guidance and understanding can create a nurturing environment that fosters emotional growth and empowers young individuals to face life's challenges with confidence and courage.
By providing these support teams with the tools and resources to look after their own mental and emotional health, we enable them to be more resourceful and resilient. In turn they can create a healthier, more positive environment that has a lasting impact on the lives of the young people they care for and support.
Building emotional fitness for a resilient future
Strengthening mental health in children, teens, and their support teams cultivates resilience, emotional fitness, and a brighter future for all.
Building emotional fitness in children fosters resilience, essential life skills, and positive relationships, setting the stage for future success through their teens and beyond.
Teens & youth
Supporting teens and youth in building emotional fitness helps them navigate complex emotions, prevent mental health issues, and thrive in adulthood.
Support team
Strengthening the emotional wellbeing of educators, support staff, and parents enables them to provide better support for children and teens in their care.
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In a world consumed by the “What” we “Enable your How…” to make the world a better place.
Every child needs a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.
—Rita Pierson