Together with the Yivani Mbali Foundation and the It Starts With Me campaign, a mini workshop was held in Durban city centre for a group of approximately 30 Early Childhood Development (ECD) practitioners and educators. Organised by the Linda Zama Trust, the workshop explored how Shape of Emotion could support mental health and build emotional fitness with interested ECD practitioners.
The Linda Zama Trust recognised the need to attend to the surge in levels of frustration, a sense of not being appreciated, anxiety, stress and other emotional difficulties experienced by Early Childhood Development (ECD) practitioners and educators in KwaZulu-Natal that are part of the trust. The Yivani Mbali Foundation together with 5th Place were invited to facilitate a pilot workshop to explore how Shape of Emotion could support emotional resilience with interested ECD practitioners.
The workshop focused on the importance of building emotional fitness and introduced participants to Shape of Emotion, a model, process and tool of how emotions are structured, stored, and regulated. Shape of Emotion is a life skill that can be learnt and used to deal with emotional challenges and build emotional fitness.

What are emotions?
Emotions are a mind-body response triggered by events, memories, and thoughts. When something is felt, it activates a neural network, simultaneously throughout the brain and body, producing hormones and chemicals that influence behaviour on a conscious and unconscious level. Emotions are part of being human, they are supposed to flow freely throughout the body but when we BAN (bury, avoid, numb) emotions we can get physically, as well as mentally, ill.
The challenges and needs
The workshop participants were forthcoming and open when asked about the challenges and needs regarding emotional issues in the ECD system. High level concerns raised included the following.
Nobody respected the work they did
The community did not support them
The community had the idea that they made a lot of money and were envious and spoke badly about them
Parents did not always pay
Sometimes they had to use their own money to buy food and other items for the centres
They were not paid well
There was always a problem with finances
The versatility of Shape of Emotion
As Shape of Emotion is a learnt skill, it is not expected that everyone will find success the first time round. The results, however, were indicative of the versatility of Shape of Emotion.
No previous experience with Shape of Emotion
None of the participants had any previous experience of Shape of Emotion. The process does require focus and concentration and preferably a quiet environment. The noise, heat and possibly the language barrier could have been an inhibitor for some.
Non-English speaking participants
Many of the educators could only speak Zulu and we were presenting in English with occasional translation. Despite this, most participants engaged openly, with curiosity and lightness.
Feelings about the Shape of Emotion experience
At the end of the session the educators shared some of their feelings on the Shape of Emotion experience.
Here is a selection.
Feel stress free
I forgot where I was and fell asleep
Felt so much more lighter
Excellent to relax
Felt relief
Forgot my worries
Calm and sleepy
Pre and post-session questionnaires
Over 30 participants were afforded the opportunity to learn and experience a different way of engaging with their emotions by using Shape of Emotion. In order to measure the effectiveness of the process we utilise pre- and post-session questionnaires.
Language was a factor that casts some doubt over whether all the questions were properly understood but the results are reported as received.
22 sets of questionnaires were completed and collated.
Pre and post session comparisons
Ability to feel feelings / emotions
Prior to the workshop 68% of the participants did not find it difficult to feel their feelings. By the end of the workshop virtually everyone, 95%, or 21 of the 22 surveyed participants, confirmed that they were able to feel their feelings.
Ability to engage with feelings
In terms of engaging with their feelings, 73% or 16 participants felt comfortable feeling their feelings prior to the workshop and 91% or 21 participants reported being able to find the feeling in or around their body during the Shape of Emotion process.

For those that were not able to feel and / or find their feelings, it is understood that individuals who have suffered extended periods of trauma become disassociated from themselves, their minds and bodies. The most important self-regulatory skills that these individuals need to learn is emotional regulation and adjustment.*
Given this, the data above highlights the importance of learning a tool like Shape of Emotion to build emotional fitness.
* Courtois, Christine A. “Complex Trauma, Complex Reactions: Assessment and Treatment.” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 41, no. 4 (2004): 412–25.
How easy to let go of difficult emotions
Prior to the session 59% of respondents found it very easy or somewhat easy to let go of a difficult emotion compared to 82% who found it very easy or somewhat easy to let go of their difficult emotions using Shape of Emotion. The balance were either neutral or found it Somewhat difficult.

Building emotional fitness and resilience
Dealing with one’s difficult emotions is not a once off event. Emotional resilience and emotional fitness comes with consistent and continuous effort. It is hoped that this group of individuals will continue to attend to their emotional well being as an ongoing practice. Shape of Emotion, used as a daily practice, enables people to build emotional fitness and this both supports and promotes physical, psychological and relational wellbeing.
About the author
5th Place
5th Place is a dynamic organization that's passionate about emotional fitness. We're the creators of Shape of Emotion, a revolutionary tool that's changing the way we understand and manage our emotions. But we're not just about theory - we're about practical, tangible change.
We offer Emotional Fitness Classes and courses that help individuals, from children to adults, build emotional resilience and well-being. For our younger audience, we've created the Vibarealm, a vibrant universe that encourages a healthier interaction with emotions.
Join us on this journey to emotional fitness and let's make the world a better place together.