Posts by 5th Place
Growing up is hard to do
Watching a trail of teens flow through the auditorium we witnessed a snapshot of what growing up looks like during these years. While growing up is hard to do, it is also full of possibilities.
Read MoreThe stories of our lives
It is Oscar Challenge time and the opportunity to experience stories we may have not readily chosen to watch. Stories make us who we are and we can choose, should we wish, to change them too.
Read MoreTo see the light
In a world of noise and hurt some still aren’t convinced of the benefit of learning how to manage the way they feel. Committed to our purpose we aim to see the light and switch it on for others.
Read MoreA lesson in life
An industrious summer season of particularly prolific holidays, producing blankets and bottles of pickles. Lessons in life are picked from a vegetable garden along with its harvest.
Read MoreA tale of two sparrows
A busy December was not all work and no play as we met friends, mixed up faces and were told a tale about two sparrows. Gifts come in surprising packages.
Read MoreStress and brain plasticity: Rewiring for resilience
Chronic stress can be harmful, causing potential long-term damage, manageable stress, often termed ‘eustress,’ can enhance neuroplasticity.
Read MoreThat perches in the soul
As the end of the year squeezes the last drops out of everyone, we went on an outing back to Alexandra Township. In the heat and the dust and the noise we found hope.
Read MoreDecoding stress-induced greying: A journey towards emotional fitness
Discover the science behind stress-induced greying and learn effective emotional fitness strategies to manage and possibly reverse its effects.
Read MoreFree at last
An end of year acknowledgement of work well done takes us to a place in a different area and offers up a surprising experience. The contrasts we consistently encounter call up a long held dream.
Read MoreUnravelling time’s illusion: Managing stress for better time management
Explore effective stress management strategies for improved allergy control and well-being.
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